Gazprom could start phased development of Tambey group of fields in 2026
MOSCOW. April 22 (Interfax) - Gazprom and Artem Obolensky's RusGazoDobycha plan to start putting fields of the Tambey group on stream from 2026, Gazprom Deputy CEO Vitaly Markelov said in an interview with the Russian gas giant's in-house journal.
"At present, Gazprom and RusGazoDobycha specialists are assessing the prospects for carrying out the joint integrated project to develop the resource base of the Tambey field [previously Severo- and Zapadno-Tambeiskoye and Tasiiskoye fields]. The possibilities and terms for carrying the project out will determined on the basis of that assessment, as will the project's ideal configuration with a view to the parties reaching a decision on its joint implementation. The work involves looking, among other things, at the possibility of the phased development of the Tambey field, starting in 2026," Markelov said.
He also said there were plans to start work at the Kamennomysskoye Sea field, the first and biggest of the Ob and Tazov bay fields, in 2020, putting it on stream in 2025. "Plateau production there will be 15 bcm of gas per year. The field will be developed by four well pads, on a main ice-resistant stationary platform and three ice-resistant satellite platforms. Design is under way now. Approvals at ministry and government level should be received by the end of this year and general construction work should begin in 2020. Engineering surveys have already been performed along the route of the future gas pipeline to the Yamburgskaya gas compressor station, in the Ob Bay and along submarine pipeline routes. Foreign sanctions will not affect the schedule for developing fields in the region as all planned equipment and technologies will be sourced in Russia," Markelov said.