30 Apr 2019 18:55

Azerbaijan builds aerial bomb equipped with laser guidance system - media

BAKU. April 20 (Interfax) - The Research Institute of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry and the Turkish company ASELSAN are building an aerial bomb equipped with the laser guidance system, the Azeri Defence military news portal said, citing a source in the institute.

"An inert version of the aerial bomb equipped with the laser guidance system, built by Research Institute of the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry together with the Turkish company ASELSAN, is ready for tests," it said.

At present, three copies of the first prototype have been built.

The bomb's case has recently been sent to Turkey to be integrated with the laser guidance kit (LGK) designed by ASELSAN. ASELSAN modified the LGK slightly and integrated it into the aerial bomb produced in Azerbaijan.

According to the news portal, the inert version is ready for tests, which will take place in Azerbaijan. Depending on orders, the guidance system could be integrated into the 250-kg QFAB highly explosive bombs.

Depending on the height of the drop, the QFAB aviation bombs can strike targets within a radius of up to 12,000 meters with a maximum margin of error of 10 meters.

It is the first integration of the LGK, which was built under the NATO standards, into the bombs built under the Soviet standards.