21 May 2019 14:17

Salaries in Russian presidential administration reinstated to 2015 level - Peskov

MOSCOW. May 21 (Interfax) - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has confirmed the full reinstatement of salaries in the Russian presidential and government administrations, which were cut by 10% in 2015.

"This is actually so. Unfortunately, there has been no raise, we've just regained the 10% that was cut in 2015," Peskov told the press on Tuesday.

He explained the decision to cut salaries made four years ago by way of the budget deficit.

"Now we have a surplus budget, and the factors which called for a 10% cut in salaries are gone. So, salaries have been reinstated," Peskov said.

Journalists asked which factors a salary raise in the presidential and government administrations depended on. "These factors are likely related to the budget, growing surplus. We cannot do that for civil servants only, it relates to the level of salaries in general," Peskov said.

"There are no such factors at present, and a salary raise is not on the table so far," he said.

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