27 May 2019 16:18

Europe, Russia should turn over page of misunderstanding - Patriarch Kirill

STRASBOURG. May 27 (Interfax) - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia has expressed his hope that the current frictions between Russia and the Council of Europe (CoE) will become a thing of the past.

"I hope that everything will return to normal and the page of misapprehension will be turned over," Patriarch Kirill told journalists before flying out of Strasbourg on Monday.

The Russian religious leader was visiting in order to bless the Russian Church of All Saints and meet with CoE representatives including Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland, in whose position "I saw nothing to prevent the Russian Federation from resuming work in PACE [the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe]," Patriarch Kirill said.

"I hope the Russia will take its place in it," he said.