2 Jul 2019 14:38

Iran exceeded low-enriched uranium production limit in response to U.S. sanctions - Lavrov

MOSCOW. July 2 (Interfax) - Iran has exceeded the low-enriched uranium production limits established by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as a result of U.S. sanctions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said at a press conference on Tuesday.

"Not too long ago, in May of this year, the United States endorsed another package of sanctions which prohibited everyone from buying excess low-enriched uranium and heavy water from Iran. Essentially, by doing so, the United States prohibited all UN member states from fulfilling the UN Security Council resolution that approved the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action," Lavrov said.

He called against focusing on Iran's actions and for "looking at the bigger picture."

Iran voluntarily limited the stock of low-enriched uranium and heavy water and honored its obligations even after the U.S. quit the deal, Lavrov said.