15 Jul 2019 19:03

Russian Eurobonds follow UST up on Monday

MOSCOW. July 15 (Interfax) - The prices of most Russian sovereign Eurobonds rose moderately on Monday together with U.S. Treasuries amid a lack of news regarding sanctions; sovereign spreads changed only insignificantly.

Russia's benchmark 2030 bonds were up 8 basis points from previous closing by 6:15 p.m. Moscow time at 112.86% with yield at 3.07% per annum, down 3 bps. Three-year U.S. Treasuries were up 2 bps from previous closing at 100.46%, with yield down 1 bp at 1.8%. Spread between Russia-30 and UST3 narrowed 2 bps to 127 bps.

Russia's 2043 bond was up 64 bps at 122.37% yielding 4.365%, down 4 bps; the 2042 bond rose 47 bps to 118.18%, yielding 4.355%, down 3 bps; the 2026 bond rose 42 bps to 106.59% with yield down 6.5 bps at 3.655%; and the 2023 bond rose 26 bps to 107.25% yielding 3.01%, down 6.5 bps.

The 30-year bond maturing in 2047 rose 58 bps to 112.12% with yield down 3.5 bps at 4.485%; and the 10-year bond maturing in 2027 rose 25 bps to 103.56%, with yield down 3.5 bps at 3.73%.