31 Jul 2019 20:04

No civilian victims in Donbas since truce started on July 21 - Sajdik

MINSK. July 31 (Interfax) - There have been no civilian victims since the introduction of the last truce in the Donbas conflict zone, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe's special representative in the Trilateral Contact Group, Martin Sajdik, said.

"The truce, agreed at the previous TCG [Trilateral Contact Group], has produced significant results. Over this time [since July 21] not a single civilian victim as a consequence of gunfire has been registered," Sajdik told journalists in Minsk on Wednesday.

The number of ceasefire violations dropped significantly, he said.

"I strongly urge to continue to comply with [the truce] in full and I remind that it is indefinite," Sajdik said.

At its meeting today the TCG continued to discuss issues related to the preparation for a future prisoner exchange, he said. "The discussion of this topic proved constructive again," Sajdik said.