4 Sep 2019 11:07

Putin invites Modi to Moscow celebrations of 75th anniversary of victory in WWII

VLADIVOSTOK. Sept 4 (Interfax) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi to Moscow celebrations of the 75th anniversary of victory in WWII.

"We await your visit in May of next year to join celebrations of the 75th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War, victory over the Nazis," Putin told Modi at a meeting.

He also said he would meet with the Modi at the BRICS summit due in Brazil in November of this year.

Putin said he had a detailed "one-on-one" conversation on a broad range of issues with Modi on their way to the Zvezda shipyard.

"A solid package of bilateral documents, including those regarding trade, investments, industries, military-technical cooperation, education, and culture, has been coordinated," he said.

"As we have agreed, we will make a comprehensive join statement entitled Through Trust and Partnership - To New Heights of Cooperation today to express our wish to deepen relations, including coordination in foreign political affairs," Putin said.