Moskalkova proposes signing Russia-Ukraine agreement to release two countries' citizens from jail on parity basis
MOSCOW. Sept 8 (Interfax) - Russian Presidential Human Rights Commissioner Tatyana Moskalkova has proposed signing an agreement to help release Russians and Ukrainians on a parity basis.
"It seems to be advisable to reach an agreement between the two nations in the future to settle the legal status of those who have both Russian and Ukrainian passports and wish to return home. Such an agreement could be a legal way of stopping the prosecution of those people on a parity basis," Moskalkova said in a statement published by her press service on Sunday.
Despite the recent return of Russians from Ukraine, "quite a few Russian citizens are still held in detention facilities in Ukraine and these people need help. Their rights need to be protected. The people want to return to their home country. So it is important to carry on working," she said.
"I believe that this big step toward returning Russians and Ukrainians home should become part of a joint systemic program of action on de-escalating the conflict and normalizing relations between Russia and Ukraine," Moskalkova.