8 Oct 2019 13:21

Russia-U.S. relations far cry from Trump's 'getting along with Russia' - Peskov

MOSCOW. Oct 8 (Interfax) - U.S. President Donald Trump has not explained the meaning of his wish to get along with Russia, and the reality does not align with his statements, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the press on Tuesday.

Journalists asked Peskov to comment on criticism of Trump's friendly attitude to Russia, which had been voiced in the United States. "We are aware of highly constructive statements made by President Trump in regard to cooperation with Russia and reinstating, mending our bilateral relations. We have heard his famous phrase about 'getting along with Russia'," Peskov said.

"The meaning of 'getting along with Russia' has yet to be explained; we do not know what it stands for, considering that the reality of bilateral relations is in stark contrast with Trump's statements, to our deep regret," Peskov said. "The reality is much more deplorable and the events we see on a daily basis continue to exacerbate the atmosphere of mistrust and even tensions between Moscow and Washington," he said.

"We state this with regret. We approach any reports on what he [Trump] has said with caution because this information does not come from official sources," Peskov said.

As to why the reality differs from Trump's statements so much, Peskov said, "Perhaps, this is what political experts, analysts should do: try to understand what is going on in the United States. Those processes are extremely complex and contradictory, and I think that the Americans should sort this out themselves. We have things of our own to deal with."