18 Nov 2019 17:42

Lavrov congratulates Belarus on successful parliamentary elections

MOSCOW. Nov 18 (Interfax) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has congratulated Belarus on successful parliamentary elections, which were praised by Russian observers as having been well-organized.

"In conclusion, I would like to note that yesterday an important event took place in Belarus: the parliamentary elections. And I would like to take this opportunity and congratulate our Belarusian friends on their taking place successfully," Lavrov said at a joint press conference with Belarusian counterpart Vladimir Makei on Monday.

The Russian observers "participated in monitoring the voting process, both on a bilateral basis and as part of missions from the Commonwealth of Independent States and the OSCE [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe]," Lavrov said.

"All of them noted the traditionally high level of organization of citizen voting," he said.