Russian military police, helicopters continue to patrol Syria
MOSCOW. Nov 26 (Interfax) - Russian servicemen continue to patrol Syria, according to head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria Maj. Gen. Yury Borenkov.
"Russian military police continue to patrol the routes of Ayn Isa - Matab in the Raqqah province and Kobane - ez-Zyara, Ajami - Avshariyah, and Ajami - Manbij in the Aleppo province," Borenkov said at a press briefing on Monday.
Meanwhile, "the Army Aviation went on aerial patrols on the route of Qamishli - Kabur al-Bid - Deirun-Aga - Deirun-Kawin - Keishka - Sheikh Ibrahim - Halaka - Alwank - Mustafiyah - Girra - Saramsak - Banukiyah - Sarmoak-Fuakani - Djillika - Delawi-Kara - al-Malaikah - Demir-Kapu - Hibet-Tofla - Qamishli," he said.
"Illegal armed units keep violating the ceasefire in the Idlib de-escalation area. Twenty-four attacks were observed over the day," Borenkov said.
"The Russian Center for Reconciliation urges commanders of illegal armed units to stop armed provocations and to take the path of peaceful reconciliation in the areas under their control," he said.
The Russian Defense Ministry reported earlier on Monday that Russian and Syrian forces had accomplished the 11th patrolling mission in northeastern Syria.