KuibyshevAzot could locate 50-bln ruble fertilizer plant in Kursk region
KURSK. Dec 4 (Interfax) - KuibyshevAzot could build a mineral fertilizer plant costing more than 50 billion rubles that would serve as the flagship enterprise of a new gas-to-chemicals complex in the Kursk region, the region's investment agency told Interfax.
The agency said KuibyshevAzot was thinking of locating the fertilizer plant on the territory of the cluster.
The project's configuration is currently 194,270 tpy of commercial ammonia, 803,000 tpy of commercial urea and 365,000 tpy of UAN. "As well as this, in the framework of the cluster, we are geared towards enterprises that will ensure a high level of gas processing in the region and generate added value," the agency said.
It said a financial model for the gas-to-chemicals complex was being devised and potential sources of funding were being analyzed. No other proposed participants of the cluster were named.
"Next year, work will continue on the project documentation and agreements will be reached with partners. The project will commence in 2021 if there is a positive decision. The investment project should be completed in 2023-2024," the agency said.
KuibyshevAzot is the parent company of LLC Kurskkhimvolokno, registered in the Kursk region, which supplies more than 70% of Russia's industrial polyamide thread and is its only producer of polyamide staple fiber and textured yarn.