15 Jan 2020 21:06

Mishustin highly experienced professional - Federation Council Deputy Speaker Umakhanov

MOSCOW. Jan 15 (Interfax) - The nomination of head of the Federal Tax Service Mikhail Mishustin for prime minister is a complete surprise but shows that the president relies on top professionals, Federation Council Deputy Speaker Ilyas Umakhanov said.

"This candidacy comes absolutely unexpectedly, but that does not mean he is a figure who brings about repulsion. Perhaps even the contrary. Not all fiscal heads are likeable and agreeable. In my view, Mr. Mishustin is largely seen by the public as agreeable," Umakhanov told Interfax on Wednesday.

"This is yet more proof that our president relies on professionals at this difficult, critical moment when the country needs a qualitative leap, primarily in the economic sphere. This is down to new technology, digitalization; this is precisely where Mishustin made a mark as the Russian tax chief. He has huge experience under his belt, which has been embedded into the system," Umakhanov said.

He said that he was very hopeful that Mishustin would cope with the new job.

"It seems to me he is likeable, including for that big, thorough, radical job that he carried out successfully in his current position," Umakhanov said.

First deputy head of the Federation Council Committee for the Budget and Financial Markets Sergei Ryabukhin, for his part, described Mishustin as a very successful public administrator.

"A top professional, a very big statesman and individual who has achieved great successes within the system of public administration in the tax and financial sphere. I think his is a good candidacy," Ryabukhin told Interfax.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Kremlin's press service said that President Vladimir Putin had proposed Mishustin's candidacy as prime minister to the State Duma.