28 Jan 2020 22:20

RZD takes measures to prevent spread of coronavirus in border regions

MOSCOW. Jan 28 (Interfax) - Russian Railways (RZD) has undertaken measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus in a number of border regions, the company said in a statement.

"Additional anti-epidemiological measures are under way at the railway stations of the Far Eastern, Trans-Baikal, and Eastern Siberian Railways, as well as at the border rail terminals of the South Ural and Western Siberian Railroads," the Russian rail monopoly said.

Employees contacting passengers (including cashiers and shift workers) are provided with medical masks, protecting gloves and antiseptic chemicals. Regular disinfection measures with special washing chemicals are under way on the premises of the railway stations, the air conditioning systems are being checked, all of the premises are being aired, and the memos containing precautionary measures against the coronavirus infection are placed everywhere.

Doctors are on duty at railway stations, while medical centers are additionally provided with required anti-epidemiological equipment, the statement said. Train attendants are undergoing special training on precautions against the infection.

Passenger trains are being cleared with disinfectants. When trains are departing, passengers are being informed of precautionary measures against the disease via audio equipment. Russian Railways is working in close cooperation with specialists of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor).