30 Jan 2020 11:31

Another former member of gang led by Basayev, Hattab to go on trial in Chechnya

PYATIGORSK. Jan 30 (Interfax) - The Supreme Court of Chechnya, in Russia's North Caucasus, will begin proceedings in a criminal case opened against a man suspected of involvement in an attack on federal forces in 1999, the department of the Russian Prosecutor General's Office for the North Caucasus Federal District said.

"Deputy Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Dmitry Demeshin approved the indictment in the criminal case against a resident of Chechnya accused of participating in a stable armed group and attacks staged by it (Part 2 of Article 209), active participation in an armed mutiny (Article 279), and an attempt on the lives of servicemen (Article 317 of the Russian Criminal Code)," the department said.

According to investigators, in July 1999, the suspect joined the Shelkovskoi Jamaat gang, which, alongside other groups led by Shamil Basayev and Hattab, attacked servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces near the village of Chervlyonnaya in Chechnya's Shelkovskoi district on October 4, 1999.

Fifteen servicemen were killed and another 28 were wounded in the armed clash.

The suspect was remanded in custody. The investigation in his case was conducted by the Russian Investigative Committee's branch for the North Caucasus Federal District.