20 Feb 2020 13:34

Putin orders automatic passport control systems be implemented more actively on Russian borders

MOSCOW. Feb 20 (Interfax) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has set forth a task to more actively introduce automatic passport control systems on Russia's borders.

"We should continue to increase the amount of work done to equip border infrastructure, more actively introduce automatic passport control systems, which considerably increase the effectiveness of the work of border guard agencies, and make border formalities more convenient and easier for law-abiding citizens and foreign guests," Putin said at a meeting of the FSB board on Thursday.

"In 2019, the length of the sections of border with improved infrastructure reached almost 70%. The amount of technical equipment belonging to border guard agencies increased to 80%," he said.

The share of modern weapons exceeds 63%, Putin said. "No doubt, it's a good result," he said, adding that this indicator was only 10% in 2003.