16 Jan 2025 10:04

Belarus introduces licensing for exports of some vegetables

MINSK. Jan 16 (Interfax) - Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko has signed a resolution to introduce licensing for exports of white head cabbage, apples, yellow onions, carrots and table beets for a period of three months, the government's press service reported on Wednesday.

"Shipment of these products, regardless of their country of origin, outside the borders of the Republic of Belarus will be carried out under one-time licenses issued by the Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade Ministry in coordination with the Agriculture Ministry, regional executive committees and the Minsk city executive committee," the press service said.

Decisions on granting such licenses will be made by the authorities based on an assessment of the available supply of these products in the country and demand for them at the time the license is reviewed.

"The resolution was passed in order to fully supply the domestic market with these agricultural products in the inter-season period," the press service said.