Mechanism to preserve resources of foreign power turbines not extended; no request from generating companies - UES System Operator
MOSCOW. Jan 14 (Interfax) - The mechanism to preserve the resources of foreign turbines in Russia's energy sector has expired this year, Unified Energy System (UES) System Operator CEO Fyodor Opadchy told reporters.
"The mechanism to preserve the resources of foreign gas turbines envisaged in the wholesale energy market was temporary and it in fact expired on January 1," Opadchy said, noting that, "There was no large demand from generating companies to extend it."
"This means that the situation does not appear critical or worsening. Generators are seeking ways and finding ways to maintain equipment operability," he said.
As reported, generating companies were presented the opportunity in 2022 to preserve the resources of the corresponding turbines, namely their equipment would be turned on last and only amid problems with capacity in a power district during difficulties with service. The owners would thusly receive a reduction in capacity payment of up to 10%.
Generating companies were required to inform the System Operator each month about the need or lack of need for preservation as part of the mechanism. If required, then a special coefficient was applied to the equipment capacity when it was supplied to the energy market every month, as calculated by accounting for whether the equipment was in reserve.
There were proposals to implement resource preservation before the introduction of domestic gas turbines. "The mechanism is planned to be introduced for up to two years with a possible reduction in capacity payment for generating facilities to 10%," former Energy Minister Nikolai Shulginov said earlier.
The Energy Ministry previously reported that gas turbine units comprise about 8% of energy output at 22 GW in Russia, with the majority (13 GW) "having not used even half of the standard resources", thus the ministry does not consider the matter to replace them in the coming years to be relevant.