27 Dec 2024 18:38

Russia's Rosatom launches 8 electric vehicle charging stations in Kaliningrad region

KALININGRAD. Dec 27 (Interfax) - AtomEnergo LLC, a subsidiary of Rosatom's energy division JSC Rosenergoatom Concern, has commissioned eight fast electric vehicle charging stations in the Kaliningrad region, the company's press service said.

With the launch of these stations, AtomEnergo has expanded its network of charging stations in the region to 10.

"Electric vehicles can now be charged in Kaliningrad, Pionersky, Polessk, Krasnoznamensk, Baltiysk, Neman and Slavskoe. Further development of the regional network is planned," the press service quoted AtomEnergo Deputy General Director for Development Yulia Kedrova as saying.

The project was supported by Rosseti Yantar, the Regional Energy Company and Oboronenergo.

As part of the accelerated transition to electric transportation, AtomEnergo LLC has been creating an electric charging infrastructure network in the Kaliningrad region since 2023.

A pilot project for the rapid transition of transport to electric power was launched in 2024 in the Kaliningrad region in line with the Russian president's instructions, the press service said.

Currently, Rosenergoatom is implementing a large-scale program through AtomEnergo LLC to build a network of electric vehicle charging stations. The program already includes 160 fast charging stations located in nine regions of the country, including Moscow and the Moscow region.

The network of charging stations will be developed in three more Russian regions in Q1 2025. The total number of charging stations owned by AtomEnergo LLC will increase to 255. The creation of a network of more than 12,000 charging stations by 2030 is planned, which will allow the company to capture at least 25% of the electric charging infrastructure market in Russia.

AtomEnergo LLC owns and operates a growing network of charging stations. Its tasks include collaborating with partners, building and operating charging stations (purchasing electricity, servicing customers and accounting), developing and maintaining a digital platform for managing charging stations, providing customer services and selling related products and services.