Russia-N. Korea Treaty of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership takes effect - KCNA
BEIJING. Dec 5 (Interfax) - Treaty of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), signed by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin in June, has entered into force, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.
"The treaty has an effect from December 4, 2024 when the ratification instruments were exchanged according to Article 22 of the treaty," KCNA said.
The protocol on exchanging the ratification instruments was signed by North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Jong Gyu and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Rudenko, it said.
The two countries' relations based on this treaty "will be a powerful security device that promotes the wellbeing of the peoples of the two countries, eases the regional situation and guarantees international strategic stability, and will serve as a strong driving force accelerating the establishment of independent and just multi-polarized world order without domination, subjugation and hegemony," KCNA said.
The treaty was signed in Pyongyang on June 19, 2024, to deepen partnership and strategic interaction in a broad range of areas. Russia and North Korea ratified it in November.
The treaty says, in particular, that in case of a direct threat of an armed aggression against either state, the sides will hold consultations to coordinate their positions and possible support for each other.
Russia and North Korea pledge not to enter into agreements with third states targeting either of them and not to allow any use of their territories to breach the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of the other side.
The bilateral treaty of friendship, good neighborliness and cooperation concluded by Russia and North Korea on February 9, 2000 becomes invalid on the date of the ratification instruments' exchange.