Ukraine to resume flights from Borispol or Lvov airports by late Jan 2025 - expert
MOSCOW. Nov 7 (Interfax) - Flights at one of Ukraine's airports, Lvov or Borispol, will resume by the end of January 2025, senior partner of the Marsh McLennan insurance company Crispin Ellison said at the 10th Kiev International Economic Forum in Kiev on Thursday.
"I think if we're lucky, then in January [2025] we'll have five or six airlines that want to fly [from Ukraine]," Ukrainian media quoted him as saying.
This will be easier to provide insurance arrangements for aviation if aircraft start flying from Lvov Airport, but President Vladimir Zelensky insists that Borispol International Airport should be the first to open, he said.
The Airbus-320 and Boeing-737 passenger planes will need at least three-quarters of $1 billion worth of insurance just like a small passenger plane, he said.
Ellison said the final decision on the flights would be made by the President's Office. This will depend on the air defense operations and security situation.
As previously reported, the Ukrainian Ministry for Development of Communities and Territories with the U.S. embassy's support has elaborated a roadmap for opening the Ukrainian airspace under martial law.
The Unity ship insurance program has been implemented in Ukraine jointly with Marsh McLennan and a pool of insurance companies led by Ascot, thanks to which ships are operating along the sea corridor from the Black Sea ports. The total amount of coverage under the program is $50 million.