Russia's Agriculture Ministry approves importing nearly 44,000 tonnes of duty-free chicken as on Oct 1
MOSCOW. Oct 1 (Interfax) - Russia's Agriculture Ministry has approved importing 44,002 tonnes of chicken meat to the country within the duty-free quota under Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature (FEACN) codes 0207 14 100 9 and 0207 14 500 9, respectively, to date, the ministry said.
The ministry said that the balance of the tariff quota totaled 95,997.4 tonnes as on October 1, thus the ministry has approved 44,002 tonnes for import based on the total yearly quota of 140,000 tonnes.
The ministry also said that applications have been submitted to date to import 10,529 tonnes of duty-free chicken.
As reported, the duty-free quota for importing chicken meat to Russia is 140,000 tonnes in 2024. The quota's goal is to increase the supply of chicken meat on the market and stabilize prices. Imported meat is intended for food production.
The duty-free quota to import chicken meat to Russia will not be extended for 2025, the Agricultural Ministry said in mid-September.
"The Russian Agriculture Ministry is constantly monitoring prices for socially significant products, including meat products. The situation is stable, and extending the measure for 2025 is not currently under consideration," the Agriculture Ministry told Interfax in response to a request on the prospects for the duty-free quota to import chicken meat that is currently valid until the end of 2024.