12 Aug 2024 16:29

Foreign traders storing, withdrawing gas in Ukraine as usual - Naftogaz chief

MOSCOW. Aug 12 (Interfax) - Foreign traders are injecting gas into underground storage facilities in Ukraine and withdrawing gas from them as usual, Ukrainian media reported, citing Naftogaz of Ukraine chief Alexei Chernyshov as saying on Telegram via the company's press office.

Last year, injections peaked in August and September, while the season continued up to and including October.

It is expected that European gas storage facilities will soon be full to the brim - they were already 86% full as of the first ten days of August. Chernyshov said there would be plenty of room in Ukrainian storage facilities in September and October.

He also said the company was constantly working on further protection for infrastructure.

As reported, Ukrtransgaz expects nonresidents to step up injection of gas into underground gas storage facilities in Ukraine in August-September, because storage in the EU was expected to reach the targeted 90% in the last 10 days of August. Company chief Roman Malyutin said at the end of July that gas injection by nonresidents depended on many market factors, such as the spread, available resources, stability of LNG supplies and level of reserves in European storage facilities.

Ukraine plans to enter the 2024-2025 heating season with at least 13 bcm of gas reserves in underground storage facilities.