27 May 2024 18:20

Council of the European Union introduces trade restrictions on exporting equipment for intercepting telecommunications to Russia

BRUSSELS. May 27 (Interfax) - The decision on new trade restrictions against Russia for "human rights violations" adopted by the Council of the European Union on Monday applies to the supply of technologies and some equipment to the country, the Council said in a communique.

"Furthermore, the new sanctions regime introduces trade restrictions on exporting equipment, which might be used for internal repression, as well as on equipment, technology or software intended primarily for use in information security and the monitoring or interception of telecommunication," a document published in Brussels said.

The Council "established a new framework for restrictive measures against those responsible for serious human rights violations or abuses, repression of civil society and democratic opposition, and undermining democracy and the rule of law in Russia," it said.

According to earlier reports, the new sanctions list includes the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service and 19 individuals, in particular Russian judges, prosecutors and investigators.