27 May 2024 17:03

Russian grain exports in May lag last year's figures by 1 mln tonnes - Grain Union

MOSCOW. May 27 (Interfax) - Russia exported 4.6 million tonnes of grain in May, including 3.8 million tonnes of wheat, Russian Grain Union president Arkady Zlochevsky said at a press conference on Monday.

Zlochevsky said that the data are current as of May 27.

"Our supplies have recently declined significantly and already lag last year's supplies. There was over 1 million tonnes more at 5.8 million tonnes of all grain last year, including 4 million tonnes of wheat. This is an objective story," he said.

Zlochevsky projects that the arrears from last year's figures could rise in June.

"We expect that the overall volume of our supplies [based on the results of the current agricultural year from July 2023 to June 2024] should be approximately 55 million tonnes of wheat," he said. Russia's share could reach 25% when considering that global exports of wheat are estimated at 216 million tonnes this season, he said.