24 May 2024 20:48

Share of settlements in Russian rubles in EAEU rises to 81.3% - EEC

MINSK. May 24 (Interfax) - The share of settlements in Russian rubles in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has increased to 81.3%, the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) said on Friday.

"In 2023, the share of mutual settlements in the EAEU countries for exports and imports of goods and services in Russian rubles increased to 81.3%. The increase is almost 14 percentage points compared to 2014," it said.

The share of settlements in U.S. dollars has decreased from 26% to 11%, the EEC said.

"Besides the Russian ruble, the share of settlements in tenge has increased the most, from 0.5% to 2.7%," it said.