24 May 2024 20:44

Russia, Ethiopia to sign memorandum on space cooperation - Roscosmos head

MOSCOW. May 24 (Interfax) - Russia and Ethiopia intend to sign a memorandum on cooperation on space and draw up a roadmap on matters of mutual interest, Roscosmos head Yury Borisov said on Friday.

"A very wide range of issues has emerged with the new BRICS member, Ethiopia. We will sign a memorandum and work out a roadmap on all matters of interest in the very near future," Borisov said on the Rossiya 24 (VGTRK) television channel.

Russia and China have also deepened their relationship, which "today is of a constructive and dynamic nature, [and] we will continue in that vein," he said.

The BRICS countries have shown interest in the Milky Way space monitoring system, he said. The system has to be built as a global system, and "many data sensors are needed in various parts of the world, plus space components, to ensure accuracy for decision-making in the event of dangerous approaches in space," Borisov said.

The system's information platform could be expanded if there is a response from BRICS, he said on May 23.

On January 23, Roscosmos head Yury Borisov said that India and China were ready to join the Milky Way space surveillance project.

On October 2, 2023, Borisov said that the Milky Way system would be able to carry out up to 15 million measurements of near-Earth orbit per day in search of space debris.

On July 27, he said BRICS members had agreed to develop exchanges of remote sensing data. According to Roscosmos, space agency heads from BRICS member states signed an agreement on cooperation in the exchange of remote sensing data on August 18, 2021.

BRICS comprises Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.