24 May 2024 14:52

Ukraine exports nearly 4 mln tonnes of grain in May - ministry

MOSCOW. May 24 (Interfax) - Ukraine has exported 45.402 million tonnes of grain and legumes since the start of the 2023/24 marketing year (September 2023-August 2024), including 3.997 million tonnes shipped in May alone, Ukrainian media have reported with reference to the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry and the State Customs Service.

As of May 24, 2023, Ukraine had exported 44.593 million tonnes of grain and legumes, including 2.707 million tonnes on May 1-24, 2023.

In terms of specific crops, Ukraine has exported 16.949 million tonnes of wheat (1.163 million tonnes in May alone), 2.363 million tonnes of barley (161,000 tonnes), 1.4 million tonnes of rye (200,000 tonnes), and 25.563 million tonnes of corn (2.662 million tonnes) since the start of the current marketing year.

The aggregate amount of flour Ukraine has exported by May 24, 2024 is estimated at 90,900 tonnes (4,300 tonnes in May alone), including 85,900 tonnes of wheat flour (3,900 tonnes), which is significantly less than it did over the same period in the previous season (138,900 tonnes).