24 May 2024 11:49

Ukrainian PM counts on IMF staying Kiev's reliable partner

MOSCOW. May 24 (Interfax) - Ukrainian Prime Minister Denis Shmygal, Director of the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) European Department Alfred Kammer and the IMF mission discussed key areas of bilateral cooperation.

"We appreciate this visit ahead of the start of the fourth review of the Extended Fund Facility program, which will unlock $2.2 billion. The IMF has given Ukraine $8 billion since the start of the crisis. The IMF is one of the three largest financial aid donors. It also administers the framework that has raised more than $120 billion for Ukraine," Ukrainian media outlets quoted Shmygal as saying in a social media post.

The parties coordinated joint steps in key fields of cooperation, he said.

"I talked about our government's plans to restore our energy system and develop a decentralized system, and the ongoing implementation of reforms," Shmygal said.

"I am confident that the IMF will remain Ukraine's reliable partner in the future," he said.