22 May 2024 15:01

Cargo transportation resumes along Amur River bridge between Russia and China

BLAGOVESHCHENSK. May 22 (Interfax) - Transportation has resumed along the international roadway bridge across the Amur River between Russia's Amur Region and China, the Khabarovsk branch of federal state-owned enterprise Rosgranstroy, which handles border and customs control at checkpoints and crossings, said.

"Traffic has resumed along the Blagoveshchensk-Heihe cross-border bridge across the Amur River via the checkpoints of Kani-Kurgan, Russia, and Heihe, China, on the Russia-China section of the border," Rosgranstroy said.

As previously reported, traffic on the Blagoveshchensk-Heihe section was suspended owing to a technical malfunction of the power supply on the Chinese side.

The international roadway bridge across the Amur River currently only includes freight routes. The first passenger transportation along the route occurred in November last year in special, extraordinary mode to transport tourists.