21 May 2024 17:01

Sunflower oil prices in Ukrainian ports rise by $25 to $30 per tonne for 3 weeks - analysts

MOSCOW. May 21 (Interfax) - Demand prices for sunflower oil in Ukrainian ports have been growing for the third week in a row, when its prices have risen by $25 to $30 per tonne, Ukrainian media reported, citing the APK-Inform information and analytical agency.

Demand prices for sunflower oil have seen an increase in Ukrainian ports for the third week in a row amid a similar price trend on the global market of vegetable oils and a surge in weekly shipments of this product from Ukraine, analysts said.

As of May 21, prices reached $840 per tonne on CPT port terms, which is $25 to $30 per tonne higher than in early May, they said.