20 May 2024 14:57

Russian PM divides duties between his deputies

MOSCOW. May 20 (Interfax) - Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has divided duties between his deputies, a statement published on the government website says.

"The decision is aimed at ensuring the new government's effective work to implement the president's instructions and achieve national project targets and national development goals," the statement said.

The Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs will now be supervised by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova.

She will also continue to oversee healthcare, genetics and medicine research, distribution of drugs and medical devices, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, federal sanitary and epidemiological supervision and federal supervision in the field of consumer protection, the statement said.

Additionally, Golikova is in charge of the state policy in social development, employment, labor relations, demography, social and health insurance and pensions, state ethnic relations policy (except for interaction with religious organizations), culture, including state regulation of art, cinematography, copyright and related rights, as well as preservation of Russia's cultural heritage.

"Preservation of traditional spiritual, moral and cultural values, cultural heritage is a key condition for strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony. As a long-standing social policy curator, Tatyana [Golikova] properly organizes this work," Golikova's press secretary Boris Belyakov said.

Golikova is tasked with coordinating the development, implementation and monitoring of the Demography, Healthcare, and Culture national projects.

Ministries and agencies overseen by Golikova include the Health Ministry, the Culture Ministry, the Labor and Social Protection Ministry, the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs (except for interaction with religious organizations), the Federal Service for Healthcare Oversight, the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare, the Federal Labor and Employment Service, the Russian Pension and Social Insurance Fund, and the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.

She is also the curator of comprehensive social and economic development of constituent territories within the Northwestern Federal District.

Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Overchuk continues to coordinate the state policy for Eurasian integration, Russia's participation in integration processes within the Eurasian Economic Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Russia-Belarus Union State, and cooperation with CIS members, the statement said.

He oversees activities in BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the G20, Russia's interaction with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other international organizations, as well as assistance in international development.

According to the statement, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Patrushev "will oversee the state policy for agriculture and agroindustry, including viticulture and winemaking, agricultural land relations, sustainable development of rural areas, fisheries and fish farming, forestry and the timber industry complex."

He is also designated the curator of study, use, reproduction and protection of natural resources, including subsoil, water bodies, fauna and their habitats, hunting and game conservation, state environmental monitoring, state environmental assessment, treatment of animals, specially protected natural areas and environmental conservation, the state policy for hydrometeorology and related areas, state regulation of the production and distribution of mineral fertilizers, the state policy for limiting greenhouse gas emissions, climate projects, and measures to prevent forest fires, floods and other natural disasters.

In the new capacity, Patrushev oversees the development, implementation and control of the Ecology national project.

He coordinates the activity of the Agriculture Ministry, he formerly led, as well as the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry, the Economic Development Ministry (in the elaboration of the state policy for limiting greenhouse gas emissions and climate projects), the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision, the Federal Service for Hydro-Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources, the Federal Agency for Water Resources, the Federal Forestry Agency, the Federal Fisheries Agency, the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources, and the Russian Ecological Operator.

Additionally, Patrushev will be the curator of socioeconomic development of the Siberian Federal District.

Deputy Prime Minister, Presidential Representative in the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev will continue to oversee the Far East and the Arctic and activities of the Arctic and Far East Development Ministry.

His tasks include "coordination of the state policy for comprehensive socioeconomic development of constituent territories within the Far Eastern Federal District and the Arctic zone, financial assistance to regions within the Far Eastern Federal District, and development and implementation of state programs, national projects, federal target programs and state investment programs within the district."

Additionally, Trutnev supervises socioeconomic development of priority territories and accelerated socioeconomic development territories, and the special economic zone in the Magadan region and the South Kuril, Kuril and North Kuril municipal districts of the Sakhalin region.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko was put in charge of general and vocational education and the youth policy.

He will continue to oversee innovations, support for artificial intelligence research and development, personnel training and professional development in the field of artificial intelligence, and higher education and science.

According to the statement on the government website, "Chernyshenko will continue to oversee the development of the tourism industry, the state policy for communications and mass media, physical education and sport, including high performance sport, training of Olympic reserves, high-profile sport events, interaction with international and national sport organizations, and interaction with religious organizations."

He oversees the development, implementation and control of the Science and Universities, Education, Tourism and Hospitality Industry projects.

Federal ministries and agencies overseen by Chernyshenko include the Higher Education and Science Ministry, the Education Ministry, the Sport Ministry, the Construction and Public Utilities Ministry (in the areas covered by the Tourism and Hospitality Industry national project), the Economic Development Ministry (in the elaboration and implementation of the state policy for tourism), the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media (in the elaboration and implementation of the state policy for mass communications and mass media), the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs (concerning interaction with religious organizations), and the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science.

Chernyshenko will also continue to oversee comprehensive development of the Volga Federal District.