20 May 2024 14:40

Unblocked Polish border boosts daily agricultural exports by road 20% - Ukrainian ministry

MOSCOW. May 20 (Interfax) - The unblocking of Ukrainian-Polish border checkpoints has led to a 20% increase in daily agricultural exports by road, acting Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Taras Vysotsky said, as reported by Ukrainian media.

"First of all, we have all export options available today. We can export by sea from the Greater Odessa ports and the Danube region. This is the main export route. About 87% of products are exported this way. Around 10% is exported by rail, and the rest of agricultural goods are exported by truck," Vysotsky said.

He noted a positive effect of the unblocking of all checkpoints on the western border at the end of last week.

"This is a great relief. We can see a 20% spike in daily agricultural exports by road. That is significant. This is an increase by one-fifth. We can see the absence of lines and the ability to schedule particular shipment dates online. This cuts costs and significantly increases revenue of our agrarians," Vysotsky said.