16 May 2024 15:42

Azerbaijan boosted gas exports 18% in 4M - customs

BAKU. May 16 (Interfax) - Azerbaijan's gas exports declared at customs grew 18.3% year-on-year in January-April to 7.707 billion cubic meters, the State Customs Committee told Interfax.

Gas accounted for 33.8% of Azerbaijan's exports in 4M 2024, down from 43.06% in the same period last year.

Declared gas exports fell 49.1% in value to $2.759 billion.

The SCC did not give a breakdown of gas supplies by country.

Customs maintains export statistics based on declarations of gas sold, which are provided after the actual sale has taken place, and not at the time of pumping through pipelines.

Azerbaijan has entered into gas supply contracts with six countries in Europe, including Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, and Serbia. A number of other European countries have expressed interest in buying Azerbaijani gas.

Azerbaijani gas is also exported to Turkey via the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), and South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP), and to Georgia via the SCP and Gazimagomed-Gazakh pipeline.