15 May 2024 18:20

Number of Russians' trips abroad up almost 9% in first quarter of 2024

MOSCOW. May 15 (Interfax) -Russians made 5.3 million trips abroad in the first quarter 2024, which is an almost nine percent increase from 2023, according to the statistics of the Russian Federal Security Service's Border Guard Service.

All in all, Russians made 5,329,249 trips abroad for all purposes in the first quarter, which is 8.8% more than in the same period in 2023.

The most popular foreign travel destinations were Abkhazia (899,000), Turkey (643,800), the United Arab Emirates (572,200), Kazakhstan (486,900), Thailand (486,800), China (327,000), Egypt (300,400), Georgia (196,800), Armenia (194,600), and Estonia (155,500).

Of all trips abroad, two million were made for tourism purposes. The leaders are the UAE (429,400 trips for tourism purposes), Turkey (366,000), Thailand (353,500), Egypt (233,600), China (163,000), Armenia (58,600), Sri Lanka (53,400), Cuba (48,500), Azerbaijan (43,000), and Georgia (37,600).

The twenty most popular tourism destinations, according to the Federal Security Service, also include Uzbekistan, Maldives, Kazakhstan, India, Qatar, Serbia, Oman, Kyrgyzstan, Seychelles, and Mauritius.