13 May 2024 14:16

Passenger railway link to resume between Primorye, N. Korea - Primorye governor

VLADIVOSTOK. May 13 (Interfax) - A passenger railway link will resume between Primorye Territory and North Korea's Rason, Primorye Territory Governor Oleg Kozhemyako said.

"The passenger railway link will resume between Vladivostok and Rason, North Korea. The details were discussed today at a meeting with Rason Municipal People's Committee Chairman Sin Chang Il," Kozhemyako said on his Telegram channel on Monday.

"A railway line connects us to your province, we are the closest neighbors. And of course, we need to organize passenger links," Kozhemyako said at a meeting with the North Korean delegation, videos of which were published on the Telegram channel.

A Vladivostok-Rason train will be interesting to tourists and can be used for humanitarian purposes, Kozhemyako said.

"[On] our side, the railway is ready to organize such routes with a frequency that will be convenient to residents of Korea and Primorye Territory," he said.

He also suggested that North Korean representatives organize a presentation of Rason's places of interest at the Pacific Tourist Forum.

A delegation from Rason arrived in Primorye on Monday. Meetings and talks aimed at expanding humanitarian cooperation between the countries are planned.