First well drilled in Pioner mine in Russia's Amur region shows presence of water - Emergency Situations Ministry
BLAGOVESHCHENSK. March 25 (Interfax) - The first exploratory well drilled in the Pioner mine in the Amur region, where rescuers are attempting to save 13 trapped workers, has shown the presence of water, the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry said on Monday.
"The mine workings were reached at a depth of 243 meters yesterday when a well was drilled. A video camera was used to inspect the well, and water was found there. The risk of another collapse of the rock mass and the overhanging side of the quarry into the hole has been confirmed," the ministry said.
The drilling of another three exploratory wells is ongoing. The ministry's rescue workers are monitoring the quarry's condition and the level of incoming water round the clock.
An area is being prepared for a powerful pump in the pit above the blocked shaft. It will help dry the quarry and prevent water from oozing into the mine workings.
"The main task for now is to use drills to reach the mine workings where people can be found and to assess the presence or absence of water in the workings," the ministry said.