21 Jun 2024 14:10

Sberbank shareholders approve dividends for 2023 of 33.3 rubles for both ordinary shares and prefs

MOSCOW. June 21 (Interfax) - At their annual general meeting, Sberbank shareholders approved dividends for 2023 of 33.3 rubles per ordinary and preferred share, the bank said in a statement.

The bank will allocate a total of 752.1 billion rubles to pay dividends. Therefore, 49.9% of IFRS net profit, or 50.8% of RAS net profit, taking events after the reporting date into account, will be used to pay dividends for 2023.

Sberbank earned 1.5086 trillion rubles of IFRS net profit in 2023, a 5.2-fold increase versus 287.8 billion rubles in 2022.

Sberbank's RAS net profit, taking events after the reporting date into account, totaled 1.4808 trillion rubles in 2023 versus 295.8 billion in 2022.

Sberbank has been gradually increasing the amount of dividend payments in absolute terms. At the end of 2018, the bank paid dividends of 16.0 rubles per share, and then paid 18.7 rubles for 2019, 18.7 rubles for 2020, and 25 rubles for 2022. The credit institution did not pay dividends in 2022 for the 2021 financial year.

The Russian government is the main shareholder of Sberbank, with a capital stake of 50% plus 1 share (52.32% of votes).